Summer Fling Challenge

This challenge is about prioritising both your mental and physical well-being.

No more working out to change the way you look and instead making the goal to be about creating a lifestyle that can be maintained long term.

Fourteen days may not seem like much, and research shows that it takes a minimum of 66 days to form a habit. However, by focusing on setting the tone for success during this challenge, I believe that if you stick with it, you’ll begin to experience the benefits of the positive changes happening within yourself.

14 days of commitment

8 workouts (35 minutes or less)

At least 15 minutes of outside movement 5 days per week

5 minutes of deep breathing or meditation (your choice) per day

2-3L of water per day

Optional stretch days (recommended at least once a week)

This challenge is for you if you

  • Want to set the tone for a year of feeling your absolute best
  • Are ready to commit and show yourself a little extra love 🖤
  • Feel its time to start practicing meditation and mindful breathing
  • Want to create better habits, like staying hydrated and drinking more water
  • Feel like consistency in movement is something you’re currently missing
  • Have been waiting for the perfect excuse to start your at-home workout journey

You will need

At home pack items.

(Long band, slider disc, ball, loop bands)

Weights can definitely be added and options are given.


We recommend creating a bookmark for this page while you are doing the challenge, so you can easily find your place again!