7 days of STRONG ABS
Short targeted Ab workouts to incorporate into your daily movement
Although we believe that a strong “core” is more than just the abdominals, it’s about time we gave this area of the body a short sharp focus.

This is great for you if you
  • Are wanting to add a lil Ab 🔥 to your day
  • Want to commit to 7 days of movement
  • Know you should give this area some more 🖤
  • Have been wanting an excuse to start your at home workout journey
  • Ready to start feeling how good it is to have stronger abdominal muscles
You will need – Pilates ball, a light & heavier dumbbell and slider discs (options for no equipment are given)
*Not suitable for pregnancy / postpartum


We recommend creating a bookmark for this page while you are doing the challenge, so you can easily find your place again!